Kind of a funny story

Three John Deere’s sit strong at Nelson Motors & Equipment in Estevan, Saskatchewan.

Anyone that follows me on my social media channels knows that I’m somewhat of a fan of agriculture in all forms. While I was out exploring in Estevan, Saskatchewan, I stumbled upon one of the local agriculture dealers, Nelson Motors & Equipment. As it was Sunday, they were closed. Ironically, my excitement was wide open!

John Deere power in Estevan, Saskatchewan

As my daughter and her mother sat in the car, bored out of their minds(and clearly less excited than me), I strolled around and admired the vastly larger equipment than I was used to seeing back in my hometown out east. Strolling might not even be the best word. I was in full tourist mode, snapping every angle of these beautiful machines with my professional camera and lens setup. Now, before you go judging, save it. You’ll be more inclined to judge in a minute here.

So, my excitement wasn’t being matched by the party-poopers in the car and I needed to share my childlike wonder(or crazy man moment). I proceeded to facetime my brother back east, who also happens to be a giant fan of these giant machines.

There may, or may not be a video that exists of me doing a facetime as I measure the size of one of the lags next to my head, with a giant smile on my face as the people recording this video laugh at me, but it was so worth it.

They say that the adventure is the story and that the pictures of these tractors are made that much better by this absurd and slightly funny story about how Nelson Motors & Equipment in Estevan, Saskatchewan pulled third grade James back to the surface to relish in big agriculture dreams. Enjoy the shots!

-Canadian James


My first big photo “job”


Friends at Murrays